Wakeboard Wayne is a simple mobile game made for the Play Store. You are tasked with moving Wayne about to hit tricks on ramps, dodge dangerous buoys and collect as many coins as possible.
Wakeboard Wayne is my own personal project. I wanted to push myself to finish and relase a game on the Google Play Store, and upon trying to think up simple game ideas I remembered a one off vehicle level from a Crash Bandicoot GBA title. I took that idea and ran with it, resulting in Wakeboard Wayne.
I hired a couple of artists and a composer to create an environment, character and loopable game theme and managing my budget for the game was a fun experience overall. I spent around £100 altogether.
In 2023, I decided I wanted to completely recreate the game and rerelease it. I began work on a new system to have the game split into 3 lanes rather than free movement, meaning everything controlled a little tighter. I decided I would also recreate the game in 3D.
Some new mechanics/features would be:
.Stunts/ramp tricks controlled by touch screen gestures
.Rail grinding
.Unlockable costumes/wakeboards
As of right now, development is on hold as I am focussed on university and other personal projects.
The first version of Wakeboard Wayne had a very basic spawn system for the items spawning in Wayne's path like buoys, ramps, coins etc. It would spawn a random item at a random position between two points then move towards Wayne.
Since the newer version had Wayne restricted to moving between three lanes. The system would have to be changed to take the position of the lanes into consideration. I had three different kinds on obstacles, single lane, double lane and triple lane. If an obstacle was being spawned, a random lane would be chosen to spawn on and extra checks would be made to ensure lanes surrounding it would also be free if the obstacle took up more than a single lane. For example the triple lane, makes a check to ensure all lanes are free
The way lanes can say if they are free is simply by having a trigger collider surrounding all obstacle groups and if it was passing through the lane position, the lane would simply have it's spawnDisabled bool variable set to true.
For the single and double lane obstacles, another attempt is made to select another track. The method is ran over and overafter a set amount of time, so at the end of the method if no track was free to spawn the obstacle, the time between the method being ran again would simply be greatly lowered to ensure the player isn't riding along an empty path because nothing could spawn.
In the new version of Wakeboard Wayne, I would be employing the use of swipe controls to have Wayne perform certain actions such as moving between lanes, jumping, performing tricks etc.
I wrote a method that would be able to identify the players intended action by using a switch statement. If a touch has just began, the position on the screen is stored. Once a tap ends, the start position is compared to the position the touch ended at, if the distance in pixels is over a certain value, this is considered a swipe. A check is then made to see which direction of the distance vector is greater. Each swipe direction has it's own respective Unity event which is then invoked.
If the distance between the start and end position of a touch is less than the required value, then this is considered a tap. If the player has performed one tap, a timer is started and if another tap is performed before the end of the timer, this is considered a double tap. The double tap also has it's own Unity event which is then invoked.
I also kept a spreadsheet for each obstacle storing some info such as their lane type, and their chance to spawn value. All of the chance to spawn values would be added up to create the spawn rate percentage of each item.
The green box shows the trigger collider of the obstacle set up that would set the lane's